Indigestion can result from various disorders or malfunctions of the digestive tract, and symptoms range from an uncomfortable full feeling to cramping and the acidic burn known as heartburn. Although remedies such as home remedies or commercial antacids may help, home remedies or plain old soda water is often overlooked as an easy remedy – according to a recent study in European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
Researchers provided 48 patients suffering from heartburn with 1.5 L of carbonate-rich mineral water per day for six weeks, as part of an intention-to-treat protocol or per protocol study. At the conclusion of that period, both frequency and symptoms associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and dyspepsia decreased substantially, along with quality of life improvements in all groups studied.
Club soda and seltzer water are both natural carbonated drinks made from carbon dioxide gas dissolved under pressure. Their fizzy bubbles work in two ways to alleviate symptoms of indigestion: burping helps relieve pressure in your stomach; while sodium bicarbonate neutralizes excess gastric acid that could trigger heartburn. Furthermore, both varieties may stimulate digestive enzymes for faster digestion.
Seltzer water differs from regular soda in that it is made by bottling carbonated mineral waters like Perrier or San Pellegrino instead of being produced using added salt, and therefore has more of a waterlike texture while being slightly acidic; unlike club soda which often contains added sodium. By contrast, tonic water contains small amounts of quinine for its bitter taste.
No matter the beverage of your choice, sipping soda water slowly is key to ensure proper digestion. Incorporating carbonated water over sugary soft drinks can also help mitigate against excess dietary sugar which could have negative repercussions for your digestive health. Eating too much sugar may even contribute to stomach issues like indigestion as too much sweetener can wreak havoc on gut bacteria causing heartburn or bloating symptoms.