Hangovers are your body’s punishment for overindulgence, with classic symptoms including diarrhea, fatigue and a pounding headache. Alcohol wears off and the brain starts flushing out the toxin created when alcohol metabolises into acetaldehyde; sweating, nausea and dizziness often result from its removal by sweat glands; other symptoms could include red eyes/nose/thoat, thirst and rapid heart rate.
Standard advice to avoid hangovers involves drinking in moderation, alternating beverages containing alcohol with water and not imbibing on an empty stomach. An additional way of minimizing hangover symptoms would be choosing drinks with lower congener levels; such as ethyl alcohol, gin, vodka light beer or white wine contain lower levels than beverages such as bourbon scotch tequila brandy which contain higher congener levels resulting in more severe hangover symptoms.
Before going out, it is also recommended to eat something, as food helps slow the absorption of alcohol and can relieve some hangover symptoms. Eating a light breakfast such as whole grain toast and crackers or an egg provides carbs, sodium and electrolytes which may assist with symptoms like bloating and dehydration that arise later.
However, while over-the-counter hangover pills and powders may be met with suspicion and distrust, some have proven effective, at least temporarily. These products, commonly marketed as “rehydration aids”, aim to combat headaches, body aches and mental fogginess associated with hangovers by replenishing fluid levels faster than a standard bottle of water can do – however even something as simple as plain seltzer water like you’d find in a Setlzer bottle can provide temporary relief.
Not only can bubbly water from Setlzer tabs hydrate you, it also works wonders at relieving stomach upset, dry mouth and nausea associated with hangovers. Plus, its carbonation may help lessen some of its discomfort by decreasing levels of acetaldehyde in your system – which is known to contribute to some of its worst symptoms.
Time is often the best remedy for hangovers; if you can’t sleep enough to feel better, try napping. Bland foods like toast and crackers along with room temperature water may help soothe stomach discomfort as can taking an ibuprofen dose to alleviate headache pain. Exercise can also be highly beneficial; just taking a stroll around your block could improve fatigue levels while providing much-needed oxygenation to both brain and other parts of the body.