How to, carbon, soda, carbonation, co2, seltzer, sparkling, making, instructions, easy
In these times when people are more health conscious than before, drinking water has taken on a whole new dimension. Many people are very particular about the quality of water they drink, making the bottled water industry one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Some people have added filtration systems to help remove lead and other impurities from their water supply.
However, plain water is unappealing to some people and they may opt for flavored water or carbonated water.
Carbonation is the act of adding carbon dioxide (CO2) to water, which produces the fizz that characterizes carbonated water, sodas, beer, champagne to name a few. If you are the type of person who doesn’t trust store-bought food and water or if you are a how to type, you may like to try making your own homemade carbonated water.
There are many varieties of gadgets on the market for making carbonated water, however the most basic is a seltzer bottle (also called a soda siphon) and chargers. These chargers come in boxes of ten and you will need one for a liter of soda, which adds up to less than the ones you buy from the store.
The seltzer bottle comes in 1 or 2 -litre sizes and holds regular water. It resembles a thermos bottle with a sprayer built into the lid.
Soda siphons contain pressurized CO2 and come in either the snap on or screw on type. (You should check the type of bottle before buying chargers.) The instructions for making homemade carbonated water are very easy. Fit the charger into the sprayer head, press the plunger and voila! you have sparkling carbonated water. This type of seltzer is not as fizzy as the store bought variety.
However, there are other systems available that provide drinks as fizzy as you like them and allow you to reuse your carbonating bottles.
One manufacture claims that his seltzer makers contain enough CO2 to carbonate up to 110 liters of water, and using special bottle caps with hermetic seals will keep the fizz in your soda for a long time. Reusing bottles not only greatly reduces the cost of the seltzer, but cuts down on storage, recycling and environmental waste.
So whether you call it seltzer, sparkling water or carbonated water, the options abound for having the exact taste that you like while making it affordable. And to add some punch to your carbonated water you can always include some of our wonderful fruit flavors to be found at